The rejuvenation of the skin of the face, hands,

Facial rejuvenation

We have a dream to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. This is the natural process of aging is not good for us. May be particularly sensitive to the presentation in the mirror, looking for salvation in a beauty salon, or even to combine the power of plastic surgeons. The purpose of this publication is to talk about the rejuvenation of the skin of the face, the hands, and in the home. What can we, first of all, in and of itself?

Know how to engage the enemy

As we age, and intellectual, and to the outside world? Why is it that some seem to be much younger than the others, and not resorting to the help of plastic surgeons? For the development of a strategy for the rejuvenation, for us, it is very important to know how to do this.

Imagine that you start to grow older, now 18 years old! Your skin can stay forever young and not grow old. In this process, it is inevitable. And we have to come to terms with it.

In the first place, it is formed of an excess of skin in the region of the eyes, and the little, almost invisible lines, the expression of the curl in the corner of the eyes down to the open air, the angles of the brows, nasolabial folds. This is for up to 30 years of age and older.

After the age of 40 years, the major signs of aging in the skin of the face, manifested the strongest, and they are added new ones: the heavier the eyelids, the skin on the chin becomes loose, sags in the cheeks, between the eyebrows, is manifest in a great spot.

At the age of 50 years, our in-cheek, because of to the sagging, almost merging with her chin. And, oh, the horror of it, the person loses all the edges as well! At times, it goes to the tip of the nose.

At 60 years of age and is marked by a clear change in the skin becomes thinner and drier, resulting in that they are formed by deep wrinkles.

There are many different kinds of aging from the face to the women:
  1. Tired of the person it is manifested as a reduction in the elasticity of the skin. In the morning after a good night's sleep than good-looking relaxed and fresh, but at night, it gains a clearly senile expression." It is the ageing of the population is typical for oily skin, or combination skin. This may be caused by frequent stress, smoking, fatigue, and sleep enough.

  2. The wrinkled face is inherent in the sensitive, thin skin. Fine wrinkles cover the entire surface of the fabric. The reasons often spend too much time in the sun, the skin will dry out.

  3. Gravitatis type are affected by fat women with a thoughtful facial features. Because of the excess fat from under the skin wrinkles, almost none of them, but, over time, to form thick, flabby folds. Causes: over weight, diseases that are associated with the oily skin.

  4. Combination of view, it refers to the premature aging of the face. If this is the case, there are several signs of various types. Here, and in fine lines and wrinkles, and decreased elasticity of the skin, and the sagging on their cheeks. They are known to cause a great deal of free-radicals in the body and is continuously exposed to the harmful uv rays.

  5. The less visible traces of aging on her face skin, it has a small layer of subcutaneous tissue is a muscle in the aging process. The first, formed by the wrinkling near the eyes (crow's feet), then it will start to fall off of the fat folds on the ages of the ages, and expressed in nasolabial. One reason for this is the age group.

In spite of the different morphotypes of aging, its cause, and to all in general. There is a premature and natural ageing of the cover. The second occurs gradually, through a biological transformation of a cell.

The main causes of premature aging:
  • impairment of the circulation of the blood;
  • to fail in hormone;
  • in a slow-motion recovery of the cells;
  • dehydration;
  • exposure to ultra violet rays;
  • stress;
  • the lack of vitamins and oligo-elements;
  • of the inheritance;
  • the abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • it is prohibited to;
  • unfavorable to the environment;
  • the lack of facial care.

How to be saved?

Sooner or later, ask: "How do I stop aging? How to stop aging face? How to rejuvenate your face?" Here, it is very important to an individual approach. You need the advice of competent medical and aesthetic, one that looks carefully at your face, and does not recommend, creams, and massage, but it is to say that the kind of power that can help you figure out exactly what it doesn't lack in her face, such as the financing of the deficit of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Even if the skin in his youth, in perfect condition, you should visit a beautician at the end of pre-emption. As a precautionary measure, the woman is not necessarily a visit to a doctor, do the mammogram 1 time a year, even if it hurt at all. Noticeable at a first glance the symptoms of the ageing facial, a specialist will be able to identify at an early stage. It will tell you what you need to take in order to maintain the freshness of the skin for a very long time. To choose cosmetics and how to use them properly.

The wrinkles and the changes that are related to the age of

But, alone, it is possible to, if you don't stop, to slow down the aging full-face veil. For example, you do this exercise, you apply the mask, and to carry out the routines of the skin.

The council's in-house beauty it is quite possible to pay off. Better still, pay for the dietary supplement and the application of a routine that helps you a lot in the fight against the aging process.

The steam and / or sauna, mask, and lotion for the shower, exercise, self-massage is the most accessible and popular methods and tools for the maintenance of youth and beauty.

The rejuvenation starts with the family. It's the law!

Cleansing must not only be superficial, affecting the deeper layers of the skin. On the basis of cleansing is the most cleansing of the pores, and the intense contraction, since they occur in the build-up of dust and oily.

For animals, the procedures are the most effective, it is important that you follow a few simple tips:

  • Must be observed to hygiene, it may be the only sterile tools.
  • Apply the cleaning product on a clean environment, and cooked in a steam-skin — for example, after you take a hot bath, especially in the steam of the shower. Thanks for this, it's going to be a much more in depth.
  • When using home remedies, it is advisable to take only those components that are in a natural way. But, also, they are perfect and ready for cosmetics.
  • During the week, the best option will be to carry out two steps of purification.
Animal body, in herbs,
Well, rejuvenating the skin to a homemade skin.

Here are a few simple recipes home body.

The oils from the mint: 4-5 St. l. chopped fresh mint or 2 St's. l., dry, and pour in the boiling water (½- l) and 10 minutes simmered. OnStujaut, filtering, adding to 1. h. l., to freshly squeezed lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, 2 St. l. tincture of calendula and 4. h. l., boric alcohol, mix well, pour into a glass bottle, dark, and store in the fridge. To clean this baby lotion for face, you should the morning and one at night, the color of the skin is improved, it becomes a more healthy and more youthful.

Rub the parsley is getting ready for a a little bit different. Dry (or fresh chopped) leaves and roots of plants (1 in Ot. l.), pour a glass of boiling water, and half an hour to heat up the water in the bathroom; insist hour, filter and add to the dry white wine (50-70 g). Cleaning your face in the morning and in the evening.

A mask for the rejuvenation of the skin
  1. The mask of the city. Take equal parts of the leaves of the lime tree, strawberry, currants, yarrow, plantain; raw materials are carefully ground, mixed, and pour them into a 4-Ot. l. the mixture in the boiling water to form a mash. When the mixture has cooled, remove it in 15 minutes and is applied all over the face and neck, rinse off with cold water.

  2. The mask with the juice from the aloe vera. This is a great rejuvenating mask. In a porcelain or a glass of water mixed with aloe juice (years 1 and Fvc. l.) the olive oil (1 h. of l.), and a mixture of pre-steamed face. After 15 minutes, a mask film with a damp cloth, and a top cause another-cream with ½ h., l. salt, raw egg whites, keeping them close for 10 minutes, and washed with a decoction of st. john's wort or sage. After you have face masks to give your cream.

  3. Very useful and the nutrition is taken to the skin with a banana and a yogurt (the 2 St's. l.), and honey (1 in Ot. l). The yogurt and honey, mixed with chopped flesh of ½ a banana, cause it was on your face, keep for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off with warm water.

  4. A mask of milk: warm milk need to add more flour, so that it resembled a mixture of cream and milk, then add the yolk, mix and apply the mixing on clean face. Hold 20 minutes and wash off with water and a little bit of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

  5. Mask the protein, honey (1 h. of l.), and wheat (2 h. of l.). The protein is broken in a foam, add a flour and honey, stir thoroughly, and 20 minutes to put on cleansed face. Rinse off with warm water.

  6. The mask of the potatoes. Simple potatoes well to help rejuvenate the skin on the face, especially the dry – they are soft, small, and not too thin. Just boil the potatoes on to steam, peel, mash, and, in the form of heat, apply on the face. After 20 minutes, wash it off with warm water. The mashed potatoes, you can add a bit of milk or cream.

Talking about masks, rejuvenating for all skin types here don't get it, but it is possible to enumerate some of the ingredients that are effective for the masks.

  • For shine-free skin is a good skin with the grated carrot, the juice of a lemon, and yogurt – they give it back to you with its freshness and healthy color.
  • Masks of fresh cucumber refresh and soothe haveStandlhaveю of the skin, face masks with bananas, helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles early.
  • The oily skin is a good mask needs; raises the skin's pores and tightening the skin, the mask with the yolk of protein, and the juice of a lemon, acne and rashes, helps clear the skin with the leaves of the mint.
  • To soften the skin and remove dead skin cells to help the skin with oatmeal.
Onмоlandживandться in the house, it's not only the outside but from the inside to the outside

There are a lot of remedies that you cleanse your body, improving metabolism and stimulating cell renewal.

The real magic in the mixture that is obtained from a common product: honey – 1 kg lemon – 4 PCs., garlic – 3 heads, and flax seed oil – 200 ml). Peeled garlic and a lemon (2 refined and 2, and with enthusiasm), powdered in a grinder or in a blender, add the honey and the oil, and stir everything with a wooden spoon and transfer into a glass jar. Hold the tool to have in the fridge, and take it 3 times a day for 1 St. l. half an hour before a meal. After some time, the skin on the face and the whole body becomes soft and silky, it will improve the condition of nails and hair.

A simple and low-cost home remedy for the rejuvenation of the skin – you just need to learn more about them and choose the ones that you are going to like it. Regular application of face masks, scrubs, lotions, bath salts, and other procedures that helps to restore the skin softness, freshness and elasticity to the youth, so the mood, again, it's going to be a beautiful place, and life is interesting and lively.

To be young and beautiful! Love, in itself.